Local law enforcement beef up DUI patrols for Super Bowl Sunday

Local law enforcement are preparing for Super Bowl Sunday by reminding people not to drive under the influence and ramping up patrols.|

Local law enforcement are preparing for Super Bowl Sunday by ramping up patrols and reminding people not to drive under the influence.

Santa Rosa police will be increasing patrols Sunday, according to a news release, looking for drivers who may be under the influence. The Santa Rosa CHP office will be fully staffed and on “high alert” for drunk or impaired drivers, said Officer David deRutte, the agency’s spokesperson.

In addition to alcohol, police said, people should also be aware that marijuana and prescription drugs can impair their ability to drive.

“Do your research and understand how a drug affects you before deciding whether or not you are OK to drive,” according to the release.

Law enforcement including Rohnert Park police put out reminders to designate a sober driver who can pick up needed items or transport people. Ordering food to be delivered to your home can prevent the need to travel during the day.

California’s public health guidance continues to advise against mixing with people you don’t live with to limit the spread of COVID-19.

You can reach Staff Writer Kaylee Tornay at 707-521-5250 or kaylee.tornay@pressdemocrat.com. On Twitter @ka_tornay.

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