Monday’s Letters to the Editor

Press Democrat readers comment on Hamas’ attack on Israel, and more.|

Israel under attack

EDITOR: What has happened to our moral compass? “From the river to the sea,” referring to annihilation of Israel, is chanted by Hamas supporters. Supporters cheer Hamas and Palestinian murderers. Jewish students all over the country are threatened, afraid to go to school and restaurants. Powerful leaders are unwilling to say what Hamas did was wrong and stop this incitement against Jews. What has happened to our country? Our democracy?

We read with horror about Russians wanting to kill Jews at an airport. We need to look in the mirror. Why are the atrocities in this country hardly reported? People were silent when Hitler committed atrocities, why are we silent now?

Israel is fighting for its very existence. This is not a war of their choosing. But Israel must defend itself. Since 1948 Palestinian Arabs have been offered a state many times. They refused it because it required recognizing Israel. This is not about land or Jews living in the West Bank but genocide of Jews and destruction of Israel. Please don’t be silent.


Santa Rosa

Time to go vegan

EDITOR: I urge my fellow Californians to go vegan for animals, the planet and human health. Animal agriculture is a major contributor to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. According to the Pacific Institute, 47% of California’s water-use footprint comes from meat and dairy farming. It also causes immense suffering. The meat, egg and dairy industries are cruel to animals, which spend their lives crammed into filthy warehouses before being killed. And there is no such thing as humane slaughter.

Instead of perpetuating the cycle of violence, we can choose healthier, sustainable vegan foods. Vegan living has been shown to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer. And by going vegan, we can alleviate animal suffering and mitigate the climate catastrophe.


San Anselmo

Stay safe, drive sober

EDITOR: Enjoy holiday events like the Sonoma County Holiday Gift Extravaganza Show on Saturday at the fairgrounds in Santa Rosa. Even with jolly spirits, danger arises on the roads.

Look at these CHP records: On Fourth of July weekend in 2022, 998 were arrested for drunken driving and 44 killed on California roads. For 2023, 1,224 were arrested and 68 killed. For Christmas weekend last year: 639 were arrested for DUI while 25 were killed. Notice arrests and fatalities went up for Fourth of July? Please, do not make that true for Christmas weekend.

Sober driving is vital every day. At age 16 in 1992, I was hit by a drunken driver. I had broken and dislocated bones, a four-month coma, a traumatic brain injury and much more. My hearing, talking and walking abilities are damaged, I cannot drive, and it’s difficult to start relationships, read lips, etc. A complex life, and many dreams ended 31 years ago.

Driving buzzed or drunk is foolish. Sober rides are always available: sober friends, ride-sharing services, etc. Reminding drinkers to drive sober will never get old. Live my stressful life for three decades and you will see.



No capitulation

EDITOR: After reading Art Kopecky’s letter, wherein he favors Ukraine negotiating an end to the war with Russia, I am left with a question: Negotiate with Vladimir Putin, are you kidding (“Prolonging Ukraine war,” Oct. 29)? Putin does not negotiate; that was made clear early in the war. He went right to the threat of using nuclear weapons. If Ukraine falls to Putin, he will not stop at that point. Let us not forget.


Hilo, Hawaii

Supervisor candidate

EDITOR: I am writing to encourage your support for Amber Manfree for Napa County supervisor. As a parent who knows there is much work to be done in these difficult times to help ensure that children have the chance to experience a healthy and livable future, I support elected officials who bring the skills, understanding, vision and experience needed to make a real difference.

Manfree will bring her years of experience as a scientist working in the field of natural resource management to the table to help us prioritize, care for and protect our ag preserve, forests, wetlands and vulnerable water supply as we continue to face heat and drought. She holds a vision for a safe and inclusive community that offers a healthy local economy with quality jobs, affordable housing, fire readiness, strong public health programs and communitywide participation in county processes.

She supports the resolutions passed by local cities and the county that established that we achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. And she understands the urgency of the climate crisis and protecting those who are the most vulnerable to climate impacts.

Support Amber Manfree and learn more at



Newsom’s legacy

EDITOR: Is history repeating itself? Back in the 1930s there were many homeless people due to bad economic times. Many lived in shanty towns commonly called Hoovervilles. They were named after President Herbert Hoover, who was in power during the onset of the Great Depression and was widely blamed for it. Today we call them homeless encampments, and they are prevalent in most major cities in California. These are caused by the economic policies of our governor, Gavin Newsom, and state legislators. Therefore, it is only fair to call them Newsomvilles.

If Newsom would become president, we would have Newsomvilles across the country, and Newsom would finally get the legacy he so desperately seeks. The irony is Newsom could very easily fix the homeless problem now.



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