Sunday’s Letters to the Editor

Press Democrat readers comment on immigration, and more.|

Tell their stories

EDITOR: So, Florida’s governor is sending immigrants from Texas to Florida (for a photo op) and then to Martha’s Vineyard. And Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas is sending other “unwelcomed” to anywhere Democratic. These displaced people are being described as pawns. They are being sacrificed to make a point about our troubled border. It would be disingenuous in any argument concerning this issue to deny this concern’s validity. But will this nakedly political gambit lead to a solution?

Pursuing this chess analogy a bit further, a sacrificed pawn is intended to expose an opponent’s king. (Read president.) If successful, he is exposed to attack. In this case, the opposite may be true. These governors are not sacrificing pawns — they are gifting them. A sacrificed pawn is off the board; in this case, they are moved to the other side. This curious opportunity should not be squandered. Show the country the humanity of these people. Tell their story. Challenge us to imagine what they have had to endure to get here.

Turn these seekers into citizens, not chew toys. If we cannot hear our obligations to them in the words, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” it may be time to consider returning the statue to the French.



RVs in the street

EDITOR: I’m sure I’m not the only person who has noticed the accumulation of RVs on Summerfield Road adjacent to Howarth Park. They have been there for months. Why are they allowed to stay? I wouldn’t be able to park a boat, RV, extra car, etc. on any Santa Rosa street for more than three days before I was given notice to move, ticketed or towed. Is this selective enforcement?

In addition to the unsightliness, these high-profile vehicles pose a safety hazard. Anyone exiting the park has a difficult time seeing over them and could be hit by cars traveling north on Summerfield. I hope the city will do something before someone is killed or gravely injured exiting the park.

I recently wrote my City Council representative, Dianna MacDonald. Her response was something to the effect that the city has “towing issues,” “that they are running out of space to put these abandoned vehicles” (who says they are abandoned; they look occupied to me), and “she is so sorry our community is going through this.”

Unacceptable answer. I wrote her again asking additional questions and haven’t received a response. What is happening to our once beautiful, clean and safe city?


Santa Rosa

Careful what you wish for

EDITOR: Gov. Gavin Newsom keeps poking Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — challenging him to a debate (“I’ll bring my hair gel”) and saying that sending immigrants to other states is reprehensible and possibly illegal. Newsom should be careful. His challenge may result in a 747 full of immigrants landing in San Francisco or Sacramento. Then what does he do? Fill the return flight with homeless people? Newsom should stop waving a red flag at the bull.


Bodega Bay

Informing voters

EDITOR: The Sonoma County League of Women Voters echoes the comments in your Sept. 13 editorial (“Dig deep on ballot measure promises”). As you may be aware, volunteer league members do research to provide pro and con information on each ballot measure, including the supporters and the funding. This information is being developed and will soon be available at You will also find information about upcoming Zoom candidate forums so you can hear directly from those running for city councils. Voters can also use by putting in your ZIP code to find out what is on your ballot for Nov. 8. Remember — your vote is your voice.


Sonoma County League of Women Voters

Extreme proposition

EDITOR: Proposition 1 is an extreme measure, going way beyond public opinion on this divisive issue. California laws regarding abortion are among the most liberal in the nation already. The defeat of Proposition 1 will not change that. But as I read this broadly written constitutional amendment, it will prohibit any regulation whatsoever.

If the state can pass no law limiting abortion, that means not only that abortion will be permitted up to the moment of birth but that the state cannot control who performs the procedure or regulate the facilities where it is performed. It could not require parental notification in the case of minors or even require informed consent of the mother.

Perhaps the most compelling justification for legalizing abortion was the elimination of dangerous so-called back-alley abortions. It was hoped that controlling conditions with regard for health and safety would save lives, a noble goal. But deregulation, per Proposition 1, moves the back-alley abortion to Main Street.

Even if you identify as pro-choice, do you really want unregulated abortion in California? Read the text. To make abortion legal, safe and rare, vote no in Proposition 1.


Santa Rosa

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