Gearhead: Taking the path of more resistance with Fit Simplify

Resistance bands are a versatile fitness tool at any time, but they’re particularly useful for retaining or building muscle fitness when traveling, as they are inexpensive, lightweight and compact.|

Durable and resilient, a resistance band performs like a big rubber band. As it's stretched, tension is created that works muscles in an isometric manner.

Resistance bands are a versatile fitness tool at any time, but they're particularly useful for retaining or building muscle fitness when traveling. Inexpensive, lightweight and compact, they're easily tucked into a carry-on or pack, and will allow you to work the same muscles you'd ordinarily work with heavy weights. The bands are also great to use for stretching, and with practices such as yoga or Pilates.

A high-quality 5-band set from Fit Simplify is a solid all-around choice. The bands are 100 percent eco-friendly natural latex and measure 12 inches by 2 inches. The bands come in five different colors - black, blue, yellow, red and green - with each color representing a different resistance strength (extra light, light, medium, heavy, extra heavy - the strength levels come from varying band thickness). If you're a beginner, start with light or extra light, and gradually increase your muscular strength.

A carry bag and a 41-page illustrated instruction E-guide come with the set, as well as online access to how-to video workouts. Comes with a lifetime guarantee. $15.95.

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